Monday, May 25, 2020

How Body Commodification Through An Anthropological Lens...

How to Analyze Body Commodification through an Anthropological Lens Iran is the â€Å"only country with a regulated market and state-sponsored system of financial remuneration for kidney transplantation† (Potter 2015:11.1). I will be using Iran as a basis to study a regulated market and identify aspects of this state-sponsored program which address the question, is Iran supporting an oppressive system that preys upon the poor or is it an equitable arrangement that enables two people in need to fulfill a life-saving exchange? I am going to be looking at the positives and negatives of a regulated market and then analyzing these viewpoints through an anthropological lens. There are many positive aspects to a regulated market which is evidenced by the Iranian program. For instance, due to the regulated market that permits donor incentives, Iran has virtually no one on their kidney transplant list (Alesi and Muzi 2015). Since there is not a long wait, this system of a regulated m arket spares the recipients the agonizing wait, costly dialysis and shortened life span associated with kidney transplants seen in other countries (Rosenberg 2015). In comparison, there are over â€Å"100,000† people waiting for kidney transplants in America, and most of those will have to wait between â€Å"3 to 10 years† for a donor (Rosenberg 2015). These patients will also have to undergo dialysis, which is not only costly, (approx. $80,000 per year), but also, the â€Å"average lifespan of someone who startsShow MoreRelated Post-Post Critiques of Racism970 Words   |  4 Pages Carrie Mae Weems and Hank Willis Thomas are two contemporary artists who are defying contemporary social and political categories and taking art photo into an engage era. The essays by Annie E Coombes provide a critical analysis of how the contemporary scene is moving beyond categories of post modern, and post race. Both are efforts to rescue contemporary artists who are dealing wit h forms of oppression from being described as old fashion or out of date. Carrie Mae Weems is an AfricanRead MoreRastafarian79520 Words   |  319 Pagesdevelopment of Rasta that deï ¬ es the notion that it is a movement of the insane and the misguided. Given the way in which Rastafarianism has arrived in the world, it is useful when someone is able to help us understand its origins and propose how we can then comprehend how it functions in the world today. Again and again, I encounter students who are interested in reggae music and the music of Bob Marley, but they remain deeply puzzled by Rastafarianism because of its seemingly peculiar tenets of faith

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